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Access to Private Finance


eHealth Hub provides two services:


Investment Readiness Training & Pitch

eHealthHub Platform

Healthcare has always held a strong position at the forefront of emerging technology, but there are now more possibilities than ever before. The major medtech and pharma players have recognised the need to innovate through investment, M&A and strategic partnerships.

Your reasons to build a digital health solution may be very noble, but for investors the good that can come out of it is only secondary to a more down to earth question : where is the money? If there is no right answer to this question, then look for other ways to fund your business . It may be grants, it may be charity. It won’t be VCs.

Furthermore, as investors and buyers need to trust your team, the first step is to get your pitch right to catch their attention. Then, as chances that you’re the only digital solution addressing a particular health care challenge are very slim, it’s better to devote some time to craft a compelling competitive advantage and value proposition.


The eHealth Hub project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No727683.