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Country headquarter:
Market presence:
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg.
General description:

Consultancy on Medical Devices & connected health, Classification & Risk management, Certification, Testing, Health DATA Quality assessment, Policy; Projects focussing on mHealth and eHealth; RmHTA : RAPID mobile Health Technology Assessment for connected health; Database of over 3500 mHealth devices, sensors & associated mobile applications.
Over 50 technical & business specification tags per recorded connected health solution.

Areas of regulatory/reimbursement support:

Risk management and application of standards for Medical & Health - Device & Software CE certification, incl. stand alone software;
Validation of digital / mobile / connected mhealth & eHealth solutions for real world Quality Health Data.

Company website


The eHealth Hub project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No727683.